Designing & Building a Lifetime of Creations

1973- 2020
My skills have been built up over years of professional work experience as well as research and observation.
I have a great balance between industry-specific skills and soft skills, which means I have what it takes to do work that
is original yet complimentary to its application. If you’re interested in getting to know more about me, and the skills
I possess, please feel free to contact me. I’d love to discuss with you all the tools and skills I can put to use for you.
Personal Profile of a Seasoned Craftsman

I have had a love for wood my entire life starting in my fathers tiny shop in the basement when I was 8.
Over 60 years later, I am still smelling the fragrance of the wood by designing and creating excitement.
After some years of college; a 4 year Union Apprenticeship and a venture to the Arctic Circle to build log homes I go onward as my craft always expands.. My years as a finish carpenter and owning a custom cabinet shop brought about a knack for custom design and innovation. With a love for the water and my
few seaworthy boats over the years, the woodworking evolved into a marriage of unique Custom Design Furniture to Marine carpentry on fine yachts. Mission Accomplished !
I take pride in all that I do and in the long-term relationships I’ve fostered with clients in the process. My motto : “if it can't last 100 years don't even build it”. Explore my portfolio, and feel free to contact me with any questions. The key to fine woodworking is only ones intuitive imagination and a desire for excellence.